“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”. Albert Einstein

Personal Consultations are available from EWELL VILLAGE in SURREY
Phone, Skype, FaceTime & e-mail consultations can also be arranged
For the foreseeable future I am taking time out from my work commitments. Please check back for further updates. My Links page lists recommendations for some excellent homeopaths. Thank you.
How I work
Homeopathy treats many types of ailments be they physical and/or emotional. We are all individuals with individual needs – my aim is to understand those needs and to bring awareness to them, thereby enabling the person to develop their own strength from within and to bring their body back into balance. So every consultation is unique.
I love to combine traditional and new homeopathic remedies with flower essences. I do this by treating at 3 different levels. As well as using constitutional remedies, I may support and strengthen the physical body with organ or system supports. I also offer the patient an emotional safety net of remedies and flower essences to support them in expressing and releasing whatever is preventing them from moving forward.
To give an outline of what may be involved, I take a full case history. This allows me to see where the emphasis of the treatment should be directed. Because the remedies and essences I use are specific to each patient, I take time to explain why I have included them. Experience has shown me this is hugely empowering for the patient.
I divide my time between consultations, workshops and developing my yoga teacher training within my work of homeopathy. Part of the year is spent in the UK, part in France. As a result, I have no fixed timetable for consultations, and the schedule varies. In order to check availability, please contact me by email or phone.
Telephone & Internet Consultations
Appointments are also available by phone, email, Skype and Facetime. This may be useful for anyone who finds it difficult to get to the clinic or who lives away from the area.
These sessions last around 45 minutes to an hour, allowing extra time for me to prepare your remedy and to send you a confirmation email of what you will be receiving.
Should you wish to have a longer consultation I can vary the charges accordingly.
Prior to the consultation I will send you a brief form to complete which will be of help to me in preparation for your consultation.
30 minutes = £40
45 minutes = £50
60 minutes = £60
75 minutes = £75
Payments can be made by cheque, bank transfer or PayPal.
I usually spend an hour with patients be it an initial consultation or a follow up - although this may vary depending on what it is I have been asked to help with. My suggestion when seeing someone for the first time is to have a one, or one and a half hour initial consultation. From this, it generally becomes clear how long future consultations need to be. I am happy to discuss this prior to booking an appointment.
While in the UK I will be sending you the remedies and essences myself. The price varies depending on what I prescribe but will be in the region of £12 excluding postage. There will be an extra charge in case of additional bottles (£5 per bottle of homeopathic remedy and £7 per bottle of essences).
When I am away from the UK the prescription will be sent to you from either Healthlines Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy or Ainsworths who charge you direct.
With the continuing rising of prices for stamps and the size of parcel I need for the majority of my prescriptions I have had to review and adjust my postage and packing charges.
For remedies sent out to the UK: £5.00
For remedies sent out to Europe: £6.00
For remedies sent out to the rest of the world: £7.00
Clinic Details
The Sanctuary
St Michael's Church
Church Street
Ewell Village
KT17 2AS
The Sanctuary has a beautiful healing room. To book an appointment either here or by Skype or phone, please email me
On-going support
If for any reason you are unable to reach me then I recommend you contact the Homeopathic Helpline on 09065 343404. Lines are open from 9am until midnight. The charge is £1.55 per minute plus your provider’s access charge. For further information please see their website:
http://www.homeopathyhelpline.com/consultations/telephone In cases of emergencies please contact your GP